Monday, June 29, 2009

Back on the Upper East Side

Tues. am 2:30 am. I hitched a ride with Carol who was coming into MSKCC to do her therapy and stopped off at the Urgent Care facility. My issue was a high fever, and still a sore back. So, after a chest x ray the Doc said I have pneumonia and she found a bed in isolation on the 15th floor. Sooo, I'm still getting settled in. They sent me to do 3 CAT scans yesterday on the mid area, lumbar, lungs etc. Hard to hold your breath when you have pneumonia. I'm sitting here at the computer at 2 am with my healing blanket comforting me. The night team here is terrific tonight, Melissa is my nurse and Jose is the assistant. During the day I had Erin and Simone.
In any case I hope we can finally get the full picture on the back issues. Gotta go. JIMBO

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