Saturday, April 10, 2010

Annual Art Show

April 10, 2010. 1:40 pm. Dropped off 4 pieces for the Memorial Sloan Kettering Patients Art Show opening April 19th for 4 days. 2 pieces are acrylics from 1988 (Bass theme) and 1 "Stravinsky" wood collage from 1967, and one wood collage (another Bridges piece) from 2010. Thursday was 90 degrees here. I spent the day in the Woodstock house. Looking great. We'll get the water on etc. in late April. Friday went to Stokes Forest and toured campsites, lake, streams and views from my childhood: Lake Ocquitunk, Big FlatBrook, Sunrise Mountain etc. I was going to camp and fish for the weekend with Troop 5 alumni but I had a problem with dust and cold in some cabins so I came home to recuperate. We're ok but not in shape to camp now. Taking time to listen today to wonderful music; then checkout a few athletic events on TV. Maybe get to a garden or 2 this weekend to see the blossoms and flowers. Enjoy the spring. Thanks for keeping up with us. We had some wonderful family times throughout the holidays. KEEP HEALTHY. Jimbo.


Debra said...

Looking forward to the opening --- see you then.


Randi said...

I hope the art show went well, and I wish I were there. Let us know....xxxxooo, Randi