Thursday, April 29, 2010

Numbers and Family

Thurs. April 29, 2010. 10:30 pm. Went to Dr. Berman's clinic yesterday and all numbers are looking great. Yahoo!! Tonight we had dinner with Brother Bruce and his Grandchildren Ramy and Rasy. Beautiful kids. They recently got back from Disney. Family man!! While I'm talking to Bruce, Kim calls. He had called Bruce and he didn't answer so he calls me and I hand Bruce the phone, "it's for you...." . Family.....And today we called BJ Garthwaite to wish her Happy Birthday.....Family. Brenda came to have dinner with Mom tonight as she does consistently on Thursday nights. Fun. Family... I visited with my friend John today at the hospice. Things are challenging but the man has inspiring spirit, intellect, and grace. Bless him.
Speaking of inspiring minds/people I saw DiMo (Diane Moser) at the Jazz Collective gig tonight. She looks great and I can't wait to have breakfast soon with her to continue the conversation and learning.
We have a Spring too busy with gigs. Had to turn down a bunch. The Woodstock house is ready and we can't wait to get there. Memorial Day weekend for sure if not before. Got my artwork back from the hospital yesterday. Nice to see it again.
Enjoy the flowers a blooming guys. We went to an amazing open garden Saturday with Eric and Joanne. We'll go to more as the year progresses...we love the Gardens all over.
See ya soon. JIMBO


Randi said...

So happy to hear about the good doctor's report, Jim! And, I'm so glad that spring has gotten off to such a great start. Things are very hectic here, but hope to catch up very soon. Love to Carol and Grandma! Randi

Brad Aspel said...

Glad to hear things are going so well, Jim! Been a long time...say hello to Dr. B for me.
Just had my annual check-up and all looking good from my side too (I only go once a year now, wow!)

James Buchanan said...

Great to hear from you Brad. Congrats. I spoke with Duane at the MSKCC Patients Art Show. He is teaching and doing well. Hope to see you one day. We got to see the Sinatra/Twyla Tharpe show through a friend in the Orchestra. Fun. Also enjoyed RED and View From The Bridge. See ya. JIM