Thursday, November 8, 2007

Finally Cold

Thurs. 11/8 12 noon. Finally cold weather to slug through with my cold/cough. Yesterday to MSKCC for another blood test, chest Xray (both OK) and vaccination. It's a bit wearing (wearying??) with a cold. I was sick by the time I got home. Got into PJs and cancelled out on the Community Band. It was ok, Shelley conducted. Feel better today. Meeting this am re May gig with SwingTown, doing a Cabaret at Bloomfield College. Then this afternoon back to NYC to Gages shop to look at basses with Ian and Bob.
Would like to get to Blue Note this week to hear Clarence with Basies band but I'm still struggling with cough etc., especially at night. Maybe Sat. night. We'll see. Stay healthy. Drink hot tea!! JIMBO


Randi said...

I was thinking about you and wondering how that cold is coming along. Sounds like it's getting better, but hanging on? Let us know,and feel better. Love to you, Carol and Grandma! Randi

Debra said...

Hey, Jim! I hope your cold is all gone. It's finally really autumn!

We might be over this Sunday.
