Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A New Week

Tues. 3:45 pm. Just got back from visiting Carol at Westfield Library. She wanted me to come by and say hello to her colleaques, all of whom have been very nice to both us through this scene. Yesterday Dr. Berman ok'd me for getting out a bit more. My WBCs are up, the platelets were ok, but she ordered another blood transfusion because the reds were still down. It, as usual, exhausted me. I slept in the chair, and slept in the car home, and slept at home afterwards. I think it's mainly the 25 mgs of Benadryl they give me before the transfusion that gets to me. In any case, today I'm feeling more like a normal person. Got a slight cough still, so they are checking my lungs etc. for any possible fungus. X ray yesterday was clear; Thurs. we're back for a Cat scan. Then next Mon. the next checkup. Also the good news is that she's allowing me until mid March to gain strength etc. before going back into the hospital. So now, if this is the pace of Consolidation Chemo I'll be continuing into late summer, early Fall. Whatever the docs say!! So this means I'll be able to play some music probably starting next week. After I gain a little more steam. Thanks for your notes and for keeping up. Have a good week. Love, JIMBO


Debra said...

Hi, Jim -- Glad to hear you're feeling more normal & that you can see playing music again on the horizon.

I hope to see you, Carol & Millie this weekend.

Lots of love,

Debra said...

Hi, Jim.

Hope the CAT scan went okay today. You and Carol will have to pick a nice getaway location for sometime in February/early March.

See you soon.

Love you,