Monday, March 26, 2007

Checkup and Life Style

Monday, March 26, 2 pm. This morning Larry H drove me into MSK for a checkup. My numbers are up, no transfusions needed. I'm still staying out of crowds etc. for a while, but am occasilonally getting to hear some music live and getting to the diner. Soon I'll be able to start playing bass etc. Am gathering muscle strength gradually with little walks in the neighborhood. Not allowed to lift weights or swim yet. But yoga positions are ok. Stretches if I'm careful. The body takes quite a hit with Chemo and it takes a while to recover, and can be dangerous if you push it too much. I got a real lecture about this kinda stuff last hospitalization. I had forgotten to report a winter fall on the ice when I hit my head at Beckys house. The Chemo nurses flipped and warned me of the dangers and the necessity of getting professional evaluation next time anything happens, here or anywhere. So... my somewhat casual attitude about different knocks etc. has to be tightened up during this Leukemia/Chemo process. My lifestyle at this time is rather a softer quieter style. Listening to music, reading books, etc. Practicing guitars. I'm a bit more of a homeboy now. I'm not allowed to drive for another week or so. But this is ok. Different for me, but opens other new possibilities. I spent some time with pastels in the hospital and feel I want to spend more time there, and with watercolors again. Maybe oils next summer in Woodstock. For now, enjoy the beautiful Spring, bird calls, etc. close to home. Peace. Enjoy the beauty of the Earth. JIMBO


Randi said...

I'm glad that the check-up went well, Jim. Got your message about Passover/Easter. Looking forward to it. Lots of love,

Brad Aspel said...

Hey Jimbo:
You looked great yesterday at your check-up.
A peaceful lifestyle it is -- enjoy! Doing the same, especially with this 70 degree weather today...going out for my long walk in the park with a friend now.

James Buchanan said...

Yes Brad , you looked great too. Heres to the best for the future. See you soon. Maybe next Mon. JIM

Debra said...

Hi, Jim. Hope you're still enjoying your peaceful lifestyle. I'm sure you & Carol are looking forward to your trip to see the grands.

Love you,
Debra & Elfin